Sunday, 26 April 2009

I kept my Spirit with The Free (capture the moment)

The smell of good food. The warmth of the sun. The feeling of strength and suppleness. The soft cushion of freedom for my heart. The tender looks and gestures from my loved ones for my soul. The giving, warm embrace of the grass underneath my feet and my new roof of glorious sky. The will to explore and revel in beauty in all it's myriad forms. I have conformed for so long it will bring the most profound changes in me when I break me out of my rusty cage and untie my wings. I know I can be really really astoundingly creative and expressive when I feel free and I crave it. I've had flashes of this vibe the closer my release comes, tantalising glimpses of the flow that comes with the release of stress, the cessation of striving and straining and always feeling like I've got to fight for the time to live my life the way I want to, on my own terms. You know how you only notice how tense you are when you relax? Well, my life is starting to relax and it's only now I'm realising how goal driven I am, always cramming life in and not really appreciating all the amazing people I spend time with.
I'm going to go out in the world with my people very, very soon, and revel in the beauty in all of it, including myself, and keep my Spirit with The Free.

Everything that's true will survive.


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